
about us

Hello, there.  I'm Rhonda.

I'm a (barely) still-twenty-something girl who is completely obsessed with reading home decor blogs and I wish I could quit my day job to paint furniture and go "picking" for antiques all day.  (Maybe someday I will!)  When I grow up, I want to be a furniture painter and a store owner and a general contractor/carpenter or maybe an elementary school teacher or a bakery owner.... yeah!  One of those!
Instead, I have a big fancy insurance job.  Wah!  (Living the American dream!)

This is Carleton.

Carleton is a still-twenty-something guy who likes to clear land, fix stuff, and do other guy stuff.  (Um, maybe I should let him write his own "about" section .... !!  Haha.)  He is super hard-working, detail oriented, and cute.  He makes me dinner all the time and also makes the BEST chocolate martinis upon request.  :)  He is the Operations Manager at his family's manufacturing facility.

Oh!  And this is Odie!

Odie is a Border Collie.  He loooooves tennis balls.  (No, seriously.  He has a crazy obsession with tennis balls and nothing else.  He will perfectly place a tennis ball in a very strategic location and then go hide behind something and wait for hours for the person to walk out the door, stumble across the random tennis ball like, "Oh, hey!  What is this tennis ball doing here?  How perfect that I was just thinking about how much I'd love to throw a tennis ball right now!")  He will outlast any other dog or person when it comes to playing fetch and he is super lovey-dovey.  I love him.  :)

Carleton, Odie and I are trying to figure out this thing called life.  And we're starting by building a house!

So, I hope you'll join us on our journey and stick around for awhile!!  Thanks for stopping by!

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